
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Personal Reminder

Next Tuesday evening is the Monkey Puzzle night. This is a couple of child free hours with some wine and nibbles to wander around grabbing Christmas presents and covering the last of the birthday parties for the year. As an added extra bonus, you get 10% off everything you buy and the school gets money to spend there as well!

Last year was my first year, and I had a lovely night and filled stockings all in one go. It kicks off at 6:30pm, so come along and enjoy a chilled out shopping experience.

Also next week is the Presentation Night at Canterbury Girls High School. It's in the big hall at the Ashfield end of the school - not where we held the trivia night. It starts at 7pm.

The 11 December is special lunch day, and Robyn could really use some helpers for preparation in the morning straight after lines. Please see her or me if you can help.

Last but not least - Ashfield council are DOING SOMETHING about the toilets! It's not just a fence either - there's real work going on in there. We might soon have toilets that don't make you shudder the moment you walk into them. Thanks to all the people who have raised this with council over the last few years.

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