
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Personal Reminder

Today is cake day! Don't forget to send money.

It's also the orientation morning for next year's Kindy kids and parents, so stop by for morning tea if you can.

Tonight is the school council meeting and P&C meeting - everyone's welcome!

Money for the wine orders is due back by Friday. The wine tastes great and it has our own Yeo Park label and names to match (I have to have some Weathershed Shiraz, myself).

It's anti-racism week, and the cardboard for posters went home on Monday - best get your thinking caps on.

Tomorrow is the last formal assembly of the year.

We made $5000 on the trivia night!!!! Wow - thanks again to everyone who contributed, especially the parents & friends who came along, enjoyed the night and handed over cash for what were some fantastic bargains.

And that long list of reminders is just a small part of why I hate November - but I hope everyone else has a lovely day. At least the weather is glorious at the moment!

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