
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lines messages 26/2

There were a few messages today.

There will be a fair bit of work done on the school in the next little while. Electronic white boards are being installed. Some other work is also being done (obviously didn't tap that into my brain well enough) and Telstra will be laying fibre (no doubt in their own good time).

Also, the child protection training is on next Monday at 2:45pm. You need to do this if you want to help out in the classroom and you haven't done it before. If you have done it previously, you don't need to do it again.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fundraising meeting - update

The date for the meeting has been set for next Friday 6th March after lines. It will be at Alison's house (thanks Alison!). She will send an email with her address to the list.

There are six of us confirmed and one maybe. We'd love to have a couple more, so please, if you can make it and you are interested in doing even just one thing, let us know. We PROMISE we won't rope you into more than you want.

The first thing coming up is bulbs. We sell bulbs to plant for spring, which kids and parents enjoy and makes a bit of cash for the P&C. If you'd like to run this, you'll have the benefit of last year's magnificent president to walk you through it. No throwing in the deep end! Drop me an email or leave a comment here if you'd like to do this.

(You can leave a comment by clicking on the "0 comments" link below - or "15 comments" if we get over-run with volunteers! :) )

Lines messages 25/2 - Head lice

The only message from lines today was regarding head lice. They are obviously still visiting, so parents are reminded to check for the little bugs at least once a week.

There was a flyer in the Great Big Envelope of Information, but if you haven't found it yet, the recommended treatment is to use a nit comb on hair that has conditioner in it. The conditioner stuns the blighters while you comb them out. Many people find the commercial treatments help if you get a large dose of them.

And since I'm here, I may as well add my own 2 cents' worth. I have found that spray in conditioner stuns them just as well, and means there are no suds to deal with when looking for bugs. Happy hunting!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Year 1 homework has begun

In case you, like me, hadn't realised that homework had started - it has. Only it won't for your child until/unless you sign the homework agreement form. Since I'm guessing I'm not the only one who hadn't waded through the reams of paper we got last week, you need to check out the homework policy, decide whether it works for you and your family, and if so, sign the form and send it back to school!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Freecycling is a pretty simple concept, whereby people have the opportunity to give away gear which is no longer needed, but still useful. Examples may be old bicycles children have grown out of, a car-seat hanging around gathering dust or perhaps an old couch someone might like as an extra for the spare room. 

Basically it is like the old council clean-up night (with better gear!), but instead of your gear becoming land-fill, someone gets a little bit of use from it ... It works on a first-in, best-dressed basis, so if you see something listed, contact the person straight away. 

You may also be looking for something ... Post your request and you never know - someone may have just what you're after, lurking in their shed. 

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Fundraising meeting

I would like to schedule the fundraising committee meeting. Could the 4 lovely ladies who have dobbed themselves in, and anyone else who might be interested in being involved with one or two events, please leave a comment telling me whether you'd prefer a day time or night time meeting? Let me know if you have a preference of days.

I was also tossing around with making it in a cafe or some such for lunch or dinner. Does that suit people or would you prefer to make it at my place? I am quite happy either way. The more opinions the better!

Friday, February 20, 2009

School Photos

Don't forget school photos on Tuesday. Dig out those clean uniforms if you have them!

It's a lovely day for a BBQ

The postponed BBQ to welcome Kindy families is on this afternoon. Bring blankets and refreshments and say hello to everyone else.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome and please join in!

Inspired by the members of the P&C mailing list*, I have set up a Yeo Park blog.

I will use this to post P&C updates and anything else that seems useful.

I also invite anyone in the Yeo Park community to use this as a place to post items to sell/give away/request, or to organise play dates or anything else anyone can think of.

I am currently the only admin, but I am happy to share this with anyone else who is keen. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, complaints or anything else. I'll be redecorating for a bit, feel free to have opinions!

*I won't use anyone's names unless they give me express permission.