
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lines Messages 23/6

Firstly I'd like to thank Ms Furner and Mrs Killorn for providing a fantastic night for the kids on Saturday night and for raising $574-odd for the P&C

Then I'd like to thank Effie and George for their monumental effort at the Bunnings BBQ on Sunday. Huge thanks also to all the people who helped out during the day. We are waiting on some receipts, but we'll let you know what we made as soon as we know.

Messages from today: This is the last week to bring in non-perishables for Exodus. They are really feeling the pinch at the moment, so anything you can bring will be greatly appreciated.

Notes for term 3 activities must be in by next Wednesday, 1st July.


Anonymous said...

I've already personally thanked Ms Furner and Mrs Killorn but it's worth saying again that giving up a night of their time to give parents a break went well beyond the call of duty.

Alison said...

Agreed - along with the pizza and sandwiches I delivered a bottle of wine (obviously designed to be consumed as recovery! - very well deserved!

Ariane said...

Thanks for making the deliveries, Alison. And thanks for providing wine.

Now if we could just get them to do it monthly, we'd barely need to do any more fundraising! :)