
Monday, November 29, 2010

Personal Reminder 29/11/10

I'm sure no-one's forgotten presentation night tonight (although I'm probably the only one who forgot there were no acceptable shorts in the house!). Just in case the notes have gone astray, it's at the Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL and the kids need to be there by 6:45pm.

Also, the much anticipated Monkey Puzzle night is Wednesday night!

Monkey Puzzle night for
Yeo Park family and friends
6:30- 8:30pm
Wednesday 1st of December
Come along for some child free shopping
whilst enjoying some wine tasting
& nibbles
10% off all purchases on the night.

This is a really good night - a chance to browse slowly, without kids and to compare ideas with other parents.

Thanks to everyone who came along to the PBC on Friday. It was a great night (if a little hectic at first!) again. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Personal Reminder 24/11/10

I believe Linda Burney is scheduled to be at lines tomorrow morning.

The auctioning of the children's artwork will be Friday afternoon after school, along with some wine tasting.

After that, a bunch of folks are heading to the PBC to let the kids run off the week and to avoid cooking.

Presentation night is next Monday night at Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL.

Friday, November 19, 2010

PBC postponed

I've just been out walking in that weather, and I can't see an evening at the PBC being a pleasant experience today. Robyn's already expressed doubts, and I agree. Our family, at least, will try again next Friday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Personal Reminder

The anti-racism posters/poems are due in tomorrow, and they'll be judged on Thursday by Linda Burney at assembly.

Also, don't forget the PBC on Friday afternoon, weather permitting. Currently BOM are forecasting a few showers, which could mean anything, really. The club opens at 5pm, and don't forget the 413 bus runs almost to the club's door, if you don't want to drive.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


*cough* *cough*

Blowing the cobwebs off here - sorry, I've been sick and haven't even known what was going on, let alone be able to post anything about it.

Anyway, the PBC has a new bistro, and the weather is warming up (at least in theory!). Daylight saving is here, so Friday nights are an option again. I'm proposing Friday 19th October for a visit to check out the new bistro and let the kids run themselves out on the greens.

If we've got a few takers, I might let the new kindy parents (of which I am one) know about the night in case they'd like to come along and socialise.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Personal Reminder 20/9/10

Don't forget that the open classroom is tomorrow morning straight after lines.

Also, stay tuned for details of the next outing to Petersham Bowling Club.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Personal Reminder 14/9/10

A note went home about The Wonky Donkey. If you want to buy a copy for your offspring and get it signed, you need to send said note and money back by Friday.

(That sounds rather stroppy, for no good reason. Call it a late case of Monday-itis. Seems like a pretty cool idea to me.)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Personal Reminder 12/9/10

Two weeks left! Special Lunch Day is this Friday. If you can help out, please let Robyn know. The kids will be having chicken legs, carrots and bread rolls, fruit (yet to be determined, depends on supply) and jelly.

Don't forget the Open Classroom session is the following Tuesday at 9:30am.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Personal Reminder 31/8/10

I'm writing this reminder as the butter and sugar cream for the brownies for tomorrow's sports carnival. Remember that the kids need to be wearing their polo shirt, and either school shorts or blue shorts. Blue hats are also an optional accessory.

Don't forget that Friday is the Fathers' Day breakfast, too.

Looks like spring is turning on a fab start for tomorrow, so bring a blanket and maybe a chair, have a cuppa and a cake and watch the kids run and jump and stuff.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Personal Reminder 23/8/10

Don't forget that Anna Fienberg is coming tomorrow! Send in any of her books if you'd like them signed, but please put a post-it note on the front with the child's name.

I hope you've all recovered from the gala day, and are enjoying the post-election nonsense.

Other things to keep on the radar are the re-scheduled athletics carnival next Wednesday (1st Sep) and the Fathers' Day breakfast Friday week.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Personal Reminder 10/8/10

In a bit of a newsflash - the sports carnival has been postponed (yes, you probably guessed that) until the 1st of September. Further, this makes it cake day tomorrow! Don't forget to send some cash with them, and if you can manage to rustle up some cakes, I'm sure they would be appreciated.

And then tomorrow night is the P&C meeting, which is also clashing (at least for some yr2 parents) with the Ashbury information evening.

Apparently it's all happening in August!

Friday, August 6, 2010

PBC- confirmation

There will be an expedition to the Petersham Bowling Club this Sunday. There'll be an outside DJ playing reggae and dub in a relaxed kind of way.

I think our family will probably head down for lunch and stay for the afternoon.

Remember the 413 bus runs through Ashbury and Summer Hill to get there, so add some public transport to the adventure and you don't need to think about parking or 0.05 and the kids get the extra thrill of riding a bus. (OK, maybe only my kids get a kick out of public transport, but it's a possibility that I'm not alone!)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Personal Reminder 4/8/10

Don't forget the Education Week assembly tomorrow. It kicks off at 2:15pm and you need to be inside by 2:10pm. Audience needs to enter by the back door.

Also, kids are requested to wear tracksuit pants and polo shirt (with a skivvy underneath for warmth) to try to avoid too much navel action during the dancing.

Don't forget, the orders for tea towels and aprons need to be in by Friday.

Heads up for next week - the inter-school athletics carnival is next Wednesday. That night is also the P&C meeting.

There's heaps going on, you can always check stuff out on the calendar as well.

Friday, July 30, 2010


There's been some winter hibernation happening in the Yeo Park social scene, but the sun today has inspired someone to ask about another outing to the Petersham Bowling Club, which sounds like a Good Plan.

Friday evenings are still a bit dark, perhaps a Sunday lunch/afternoon would work better? How's Sunday 8th August?

Personal Reminder 30/7/10

It's been a slow start to the term for me, and these updates have been haphazard for a while anyway. Nevertheless, I do remember the blog exists, and I'm having trouble remembering what's going on at school.

There's lots of it. Next Thursday is the Education week assembly at an earlier than usual kick off time. You want to be arriving about 2pm.

The P&C are doing tea towels again this year, and adding aprons to the mix. You should have a note about that, so if not, go digging through the bag. (And I sincerely hope you don't find what I found in my son's bag at the start of term!) These tea towels are fantastic if you haven't come across them before - great pressies and also just great tea towels. The aprons make a good addition too.

Unless you have been under a rock, you know that Julia called the election for the 21st August. Kath and Jodie are flat out organising and recruiting helpers for the gala day that will be making the most of the voting public. If you can, please lend a hand, take a stall or some such.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Morning Tea

I know that it’s very short notice, but a group of us are going to the Flower Power Nursery Café at Enfield (27 Mitchel Road, just off Burwood Rd) for morning tea tomorrow morning. There is a lovely café there and it’s very child friendly with a nice garden area. We are leaving straight after lines, it’s about a 10 minute trip, and we can car pool if anyone needs transport. All welcome. Robyn

Personal Reminder 1/7/10

Today is the talent assembly at 2:20pm.

Also, the P&C are providing some snags on Friday afternoon to celebrate the end of term (yay!). The raffles will be drawn and the winner of the jelly bean guessing competition will be announced.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Personal Reminder 10/6/10

There's no assembly this afternoon, because the long awaited Wombat Stew show is on.

Also, having had a near miss with a child when trying to go around someone double parked recently - please don't double park out the front of the school. It really is dangerous. When there's 2 rows of cars it's impossible to see kids (and adults) stepping out from the curb, and almost impossible for them to see the cars.

Monday, June 7, 2010

P&C proposed rules

At the last P&C meeting we discussed the rules to be adopted. These are the rules to be voted on this week.

Yeo Park Infants’ School P&C Rules

1. These rules are made under the constitution of Yeo Park Infants’ School Parents and Citizens' Association.

2. The association is formed for the benefit of the pupils of the school and to that end it will:

(a) participate as much as possible in the activities of the school and communicate with all members of the school community;

(b) co-operate in the activities of the Federation of Parents & Citizens' Associations of New South Wales and District and Regional Councils; and

(c) do such other things as may promote the interests of public education.

3. The financial year of the association shall close on 31 December each year.

4. The annual general meeting of the association shall be held in February of each year, in conjunction with and preceding the ordinary general meeting for that month. The agenda of the annual general meeting shall include setting the membership fee of the association for the ensuing year.

5. No person shall serve more than two consecutive years in the same office. However, in the event that no other candidate is available, a person may serve a third year.

6. A general meeting of the association shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month during term time at 7 pm.

7. Any person eligible for membership may become a member or renew membership by paying the required membership fee of $1 to the Treasurer or nominee of the Treasurer after any general meeting. Membership shall remain current until the close of the annual general meeting in the following year. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date register of membership. NOTE: The provisions of this rule are to do with membership. For insurance purposes the categories of "member" and "volunteer" are distinct. A list of members is a legal necessity. For insurance purposes each association is strongly advised to maintain a list of occasions on which there are volunteers working on its behalf. It is preferable that there be a list of names of volunteers, who need not be members, associated with each occasion.

8. At a general meeting the quorum shall be in accord with Rule 10 of the constitution. Where that rule does not specify a number the number shall be 5.

9. If a meeting for which due notice has been given does not achieve a quorum within 15 minutes of the advertised starting time the Secretary shall, or in the absence of a Secretary remaining members of the Executive shall, and failing that any five members of the Association may call a further meeting with a lapse of not more than 28 days of term time to carry on the business of the association.

10. In the absence of the Secretary the remaining members of the Executive or any five members of the association may call any meeting that is required, giving due notice of the business proposed for the meeting.

11. All meetings of the association shall be conducted in accordance with the appropriate By-laws of Federation "Standing Orders for the Conduct of All Meetings". (NOTE: The By-Laws of Federation specifically provide for reference where necessary to N. E. Renton's Guide for Meetings and Organisations.

12. The order of business shall be:

1. Meeting open, welcome and apologies

2. Acceptance of Meetings minutes of previous meeting

3. President's Report

4. Treasurer's Report

5. Fundraising Committee Report

6. Principal's Report

7. Business arising

8. Notified agenda items

9. General Business

Unfinished business at the previous meeting shall be dealt as "Business arising".

13. As well as the provisions of Federation Standing Order 6 "Notices of Motion", a group of members of the association equal to the quorum for the meeting may require that particular items of new business without notice be placed on notice for the next meeting.

14. The association may elect representatives who will be responsible to the association in the same way that Federation representatives are responsible to Federation under Section 413 of Federation Policy. The association may decide at the time of election what form of reporting is required.

15. Any motion to expend association monies must be placed on notice for the meeting at which it is to be considered. The provisions of this rule should not hamper subcommittees from expending those monies necessary for normal running costs. A subcommittee's powers to expend monies should be defined by the association when the subcommittee is set up, e.g, an auxiliary may need to buy materials for fundraising activities. Under the guidelines for incorporation, all funds belong to the association, and expenditure must be authorised by the association. A subcommittee must not expend funds for any purpose outside those allowed by the association. There is nothing, however, to prevent an association setting up a subcommittee to raise funds for some particular goal, or a subcommittee recommending a particular use for the funds it has raised.

16. The association may confer the honour of Life Membership on a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the work of the association. Life Members may attend and speak at meetings but are not entitled to vote or to hold office unless they are also ordinary members in terms of Rule 4 in these rules.

Please give these some thought before the meeting on Wednesday.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kittens and Cats

Hurlstone Park Vet Clinic has 5 gorgeous kittens in need of homes. All of the kittens have been abandoned and the nurses at the clinic have raised them. They have been micro chipped, wormed vaccinated and desexed. If you know of anyone thinking of getting a kitten, please let them know about these ones.

There is also the most beautiful elderly ginger cat looking for a home. This cat was brought in half dead, dirty and possibly mistreated. It was not expected to survive but has made a remarkable recovery is now looking very healthy (albeit a little arthritic). This would be a very quiet and easy care cat, looking for nothing more than a sunny spot during the day and a lap to sit on at night. Again if anyone is thinking of getting a pet, this is a very deserving cat.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

World's Biggest Cuppa

Michelle and Karin are hosting the World's Biggest Cuppa on Friday afternoon from 3pm in the park. So far BOM are being nice to us and predicting fine weather.

They will be raising money for cancer charities by selling tea, coffee and cake. That last bit is where you come in - they need some cake or other afternoon tea-style nibbles to sell. If you can help by whipping up your specialty, I know these wonderful women would be most appreciative.

Also, remember that the afternoon tea kicks off at 3pm, so there is time for the adults to have a cuppa and a nibble before the kids come out, so some adult-style tasties would probably not go astray along with kid-friendly favs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


A presentation was made to the P&C at the last meeting from a company spruiking websites targetted at P&C's.

I know Isabelle will be putting info in the newsletter, so look out for that. In addition, I thought I'd put up some easy, click-on-through links to AtSchool, the providers that made the demo, as well as some of their websites and one that I know that was built and is hosted for free.

The company's home page is here. Be warned though, it loads a flash page which plays music at you which can't be turned off. Fortunately their other pages are not so abominable, so click through to the others.

Lane Cove West Public School P&C site is here.
This is a website provided by AtSchool. I'd encourage you to Google it as well, since Google optimisation is a consideration of the quality of the website.

Ben from AtSchool said that Willoughby Public School was using AtSchool, but this website doesn't appear to made by them.

Haberfield were also said to using them, but they aren't either. Nice website though.

Ben also mentioned Normanhurst Boys High, but I can't find any sign of their website at all.

The ones I can't find may be because they've signed up and not launched yet - the whole thing is a fairly new endeavour, and I did lose track of what exactly he was saying about each of these P&Cs.

UPDATE 10/6/10: Isabelle confirmed last night that only LCW is actually operational at the moment.

Also, I wanted to link to Normanhurst West Public School P&C's website. This was built and is hosted for free through Wordpress. You can see it looks quite similar to some of the templates offered by AtSchool.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Personal Reminder 17/5

The notes have gone home for Pizza & Pyjama Night, which is on Saturday, 29th May. This is THE social event of the year in 3-8yr demographic, so make sure you get your notes and money back pronto!

The information night for prospective parents is on Wednesday night, so if you know any parents considering Yeo Park for 2011, let them know.

Also, the idea of a P&C website was discussed at the meeting last week. Stay tuned for some links and examples of options in the next day or so as food for thought.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pages, pages, we haz pages

Blogger, that which hosts this blog, has finally seen fit to provide 10 pages that can be created to fit our whim*.

I know Robyn has Ideas for a page or two. Does anyone else have things they'd like to see on a page that is separate from the main blog page?

The sort of thing I'm talking about here is perhaps a page devoted to alumni (one of Robyn's ideas) so that ex-families can keep up with things that may be of interest to them, without wading through the day to day. Other ideas might be a page of useful links, a page devoted to freecycle-type stuff, or a page of kid-related recommended vendors (such as party venues, good sources of kids' clothes, good suppliers of extra-curricular activities etc).

If you have any ideas, leave a comment, send me an email or grab me at school.

*This might be better described as "I have finally noticed that..."

Fruit boxes

Does anyone have a use for the fold-up style fruit boxes with lids? They are about the same dimensions as archive boxes, and I get fruit delivered every week in them. The delivery people won't take them away, so I am currently recycling them. If someone has a use for them, I'd be happy to flatten them and pass them on.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ethics trial

Isabelle brought up the St James Ethics Centre trial of an ethics alternative to Special Religious Education (otherwise known as scripture) at the P&C tonight.

There seemed to be a bit of support for the programme, so I thought I might throw a few links up here.

There is also a Facebook page.

ETA: These are some links to speeches given by the Greens' Lee Rhiannon and John Kaye.

That last one has a lot of information about how to be active in campaigning for this to become a choice for all our kids.

For mine, I'd like to say that this programme is designed only to encourage children to think about ethical issues in a non-threatening environment - much the same way that religious instruction is designed. It does not offer opinions on right and wrong, it merely encourages kids to think things through and consider what decisions they might make. It is not a formal ethics course, it isn't a philosophy course that kids doing SRE miss out on, it's just an alternative environment to consider moral questions for children for which the religious options offered at their school are not appropriate.

Finally, if you support this, I'd urge you to get involved. There are a lot of people campaigning hard to stop this becoming a mainstream option. We need to ensure that all voices are heard.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Recommendation request

I have a request from Katie, who has a daughter in year 2 -

Can anyone recommend a good plumber?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Personal reminder 29/3

Tomorrow morning is the open classroom session from after lines until 10:15am.

The anti-bullying posters are due in by Wednesday, and the prizes will be awarded at the assembly on Thursday.

There will be an Easter Egg hunt, kindly funded by the P&C, on Thursday as well.

It was great to see some families at the PBC on Friday evening. My kids are still talking about it and asking when the next time is. Since we are headed into the dark part of the year, I'm proposing a switch to Sunday afternoons. Maybe ANZAC Day would be a good one, with a day off after if you need some time to recover?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal reminder - 23/3

Thursday is the excursion to the museum. Don't forget to send a water bottle if your kid normally drinks from the bubblers, and it's recommended to use the library bag instead of the usual bag so it's lighter to carry. Also - don't forget there was a note about photos sent on behalf of the museum. If you are happy to sign the authority, don't be caught out by the fact that you need a witness to approve the signature.

Friday is Special Lunch Day, so it's just recess for your kids if they are happy to eat sausages in a roll. Much kudos to Robyn for organising it.

Also, Friday is when we are heading to the Petersham Bowling Club.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

P&C rules and constitution

One of the agenda items for tonight's P&C is our rules and constitution. I am planning just to table these documents (one is suggested, one is prescribed) for discussion at the next meeting and rather than cutting down trees, I will table only one hard copy.

Here, for you edification, amusement and consideration are the suggested rules.

And here is the consitution, which can't be changed, but is referred to in the rules. (This one downloads a Word document)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Petersham Bowling Club

Since the end of daylight saving is rapidly approaching, I'm thinking it might be nice to squeeze in another PBC evening before the darkness overtakes us.

We'll be heading over there on Friday, 26th March. I hope lots of people can join us!

P&C Agenda

The next P&C meeting will be next Wednesday night. There are a number of items on the agenda, so have a look. If you don't normally come along, there might be something there that you have a particular interest in. Everyone is very welcome.

P & C Meeting – Agenda


1. Meeting open, welcome and apologies

2. Acceptance of Meetings minutes – November 9th 2009

3. President's Report

4. Treasurer's Report

5. Fundraising Committee Report

6. Principal's Report

7. Social Functions Coordinator Stepping down from duties

8. Appointment of a new Social Functions Coordinator

9. General Business

Topics to be discussed:-
1. Appointment of Auditor
2. Review of student injury insurance
3. P&C rules and regulations (existing rules governed by the constitution)
4. Student bike racks
5. Possible water tank attached to library
6. Lunchtime usage of library for students


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Personal reminder - 10/3

The Stewart House bags have been sent home, and they will be collected next Tuesday. So you have until Tuesday to clean out those unwanted clothes.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Personal Reminder 4/3 and P&C email

Tomorrow is the day that the Life Education van visits the school. There is a session for parents in the afternoon (around 2:50pm I think - check your newsletter to be sure if you are interested) which will finish in time for pick up.

Also, I have just processed all the emails for the P&C Yahoo mailing list. If you wish to be on the list but haven't received an invitation, either I didn't get your name from the two sources of names, I typed it wrong when I entered it, or you are one of the two people who's email addresses don't accept invitations for Yahoo groups. In any event, you can go to the web page for the group and join there.

Please remember also, that in order to vote at P&C meetings and to be covered by the P&C insurance policy, you must be a financial member. That will cost you the enormous sum of $1, so please see Isabelle or Cathy or anyone else in the P&C if you haven't already done it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Personal Reminder 24/2

Tomorrow is the first assembly of the year - with a whole bunch of new rules for parents. Parents have to wait outside until after the kids go in, and then be let in in one go. Don't be late or you'll have to sit on the naughty chair! Recess finishes at 2:20pm, so you probably need to be there a bit before that to ensure you don't miss out.

Also, don't forget those term 1 notes - they need to be in on Friday.

Cheer up, it's hump day - tomorrow there'll be only one more day before the weekend! :)

Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Personal Reminer 23/2

I've been a bit slack with these, so I failed to put up a reminder for photo day. I hope everyone managed to find a uniform sans texta marks.

For today we have that term 1 permission notes need to be in by Friday, and for yr 1 & 2 parents, homework has started this week. If you want your kids to do homework and haven't sent the form back in yet (it's at the back of the homework policy bundle), this is your cue.

Thanks to everyone who came along and made Friday evening a lovely occasion at the PBC. I took a few photos, and as soon as I get a mo, I'll put them up here. So, are we up for another one in, say, a month?

Don't forget our new email subscription option - if you know someone for whom checking a blog is not convenient, let them know they can have the posts delivered straight to their inbox.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Book Club

The book club that was starting Thursday, then going to be moved to Wednesday, is now being postponed till a later date as I can’t do this Wednesday. Will post a date as soon as we can work one out that everyone can make. Robyn

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Book Club

We have set a date for our first book club, next Thursday 25 Feb, at 7.30. This will be a chance for an informal chat about what we have read/are reading/would like to read, and to decide how to go on from here. There is no pressure to read anything, if you just like talking about books, that is just fine. It's at my house, everyone is welcome. Let me know if anyone needs the address. Robyn

Monday, February 15, 2010

Email alternative

At the request of one of our year 2 parents, and because I know she's not the only one, I have added an option to receive blog posts via email. If you enter your email address in the box over there on the right hand side, you will receive all of our posts directly to your inbox.

Please pass this extra detail on to anyone you know might rather get the blog this way.

Personal Reminder - 15/2

Don't forget that the parent information night is at 6:30 tonight. No kids.

Also, this Friday there's a group of families heading to Petersham Bowling Club for some quality kid-running-around time and dinner. Everyone's welcome! We'll probably get the 4pm-ish 413 bus. The bus runs every half hour until 9pm (and less frequently thereafter), so there's no dramas getting home.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cake Day and P&C meeting

The first cake day of the year is upon us already. On Wednesday, the kids will have cakes for recess instead of the tasty, nutritional snacks we all dutifully provide every other day. Since we have yet to locate the cake fairies, it's still us that has to provide the cakes. If you can manage cupcakes, slices, biscuits, jellies or some such, please put your name on the list on the P&C noticeboard just to the right as you walk through the gate. On Wednesday, you can either bring them in before school or if you happen to be able to, you can help serve at 2pm at the back of the school.

Kids bring 20 cents to buy a cake. Well, actually, kids bring several 20 cent pieces and buy several cakes. This is not compulsory, not by a long shot, I'm just here to let you know the playground lowdown. :)

Then 7pm Wednesday night is the first P&C meeting of the year. There are positions up for grabs, but don't let that scare you. The P&C is a fairly small group and it's a great opportunity to know what's going on in the school, and to help influence what that is. With a third of parents leaving each year, the P&C needs new people all the time, so please join in.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dog sitting request

I have a request from Fiona (Shem in yr1's mum):
Wondering if I could put up on the Yeo Park blog a request - to see if anyone would like to look after our guide dog pup from 25 Feb - 2 March (weekend). Comes with instructions and we home deliver. If so, my number is 95730971 or I'll be at lines most days.


Can anyone help?

Free Bed Frame

Does anyone need a single bed frame? I've got one of those timber single bed frames with the matching head and foot in a sort of scalloped arch shape. It's been refinished in a light red stain - sort of a light cherry colour.

I'll Freecycle it if there are no takers, but I thought I'd see if anyone in the school community wanted it first.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Book Club

Last year, a group of Kindy mums (now y1) began swapping books. We’ve now decided that it would be a great idea to start a book club, and so are inviting other parents who might be interested to join us. There is no fixed idea as to how this will run, and we are open to suggestions. We could do the usual thing of selecting a book and reading through as a group, or we could continue circulating books, and meet to share ideas and opinions (and more importantly cake and coffee).

As for when and where, we could do either day time (while kids are at school) assuming we can find a day to fit with everyone’s work schedules, or we could do an evening, aiming to meet once a month. I am happy host the first one and we could work out a rotation from there.

If your interested, leave a post and let us know your preferences for times and days, or contact me at lines or after school. If you have any ideas for books to read, we’d love to hear your suggestions.


Petersham Bowling Club

I know there are some families at Yeo Park that already frequent the Petersham Bowling Club, and we are new converts. We took the kids over on Sunday evening, and my two eldest announced they wanted to stay there for the rest of their lives. What, you may ask, does this magical place have? Chips and a large expanse of grass to run around on. That's it really. From the adults' point of view, there are tables, beer and someone else to cook dinner.

I'm thinking a semi-regular Friday evening and/or Sunday arvo Yeo Park contingent might be a pleasant option. The 413 bus goes from Ashbury, through Summer Hill to the end of the street the PBC is on, so you don't even need to get the car out.

Friday week is the Barbecue in the park, but the 19th Feb might be a good time to kick it off. We don't need commitments from anyone, but a few people have expressed interest, so if that date suits anyone other than me, we'll make it a date.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Hi everyone, it's really 2010, the little ones have all grown up over the summer, and today we are welcoming the first of the new Kindy kids.

I hope everyone's found the start of the year as pain free as possible. I swear I will manage to get to school on time at least one day this week....

There will be a barbecue next week, I believe, to welcome our new families, and also to invite our alumni back to say hello and let us know how they are enjoying their new schools. These are always fabulous afternoons, and there aren't a zillion of them a year, so if you can manage to re-arrange your life to fit it in, I'd recommend it.

This is the first year we've kicked off with the blog in place. We'd like to make this a valuable resource for all parents, so please let us know if there's something you want to see here, or if you'd like to be an author and please also let other parents know that it's here. If you can't remember the URL, you can Google "Yeo Park Blog" and find us pretty easily.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Enjo demo

I'm having an Enjo demo on Saturday 30th January at 2pm at my place. Anyone's welcome, just please let me know so I can ensure sufficient supplies of libations.