
Friday, July 30, 2010

Personal Reminder 30/7/10

It's been a slow start to the term for me, and these updates have been haphazard for a while anyway. Nevertheless, I do remember the blog exists, and I'm having trouble remembering what's going on at school.

There's lots of it. Next Thursday is the Education week assembly at an earlier than usual kick off time. You want to be arriving about 2pm.

The P&C are doing tea towels again this year, and adding aprons to the mix. You should have a note about that, so if not, go digging through the bag. (And I sincerely hope you don't find what I found in my son's bag at the start of term!) These tea towels are fantastic if you haven't come across them before - great pressies and also just great tea towels. The aprons make a good addition too.

Unless you have been under a rock, you know that Julia called the election for the 21st August. Kath and Jodie are flat out organising and recruiting helpers for the gala day that will be making the most of the voting public. If you can, please lend a hand, take a stall or some such.

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