
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


A presentation was made to the P&C at the last meeting from a company spruiking websites targetted at P&C's.

I know Isabelle will be putting info in the newsletter, so look out for that. In addition, I thought I'd put up some easy, click-on-through links to AtSchool, the providers that made the demo, as well as some of their websites and one that I know that was built and is hosted for free.

The company's home page is here. Be warned though, it loads a flash page which plays music at you which can't be turned off. Fortunately their other pages are not so abominable, so click through to the others.

Lane Cove West Public School P&C site is here.
This is a website provided by AtSchool. I'd encourage you to Google it as well, since Google optimisation is a consideration of the quality of the website.

Ben from AtSchool said that Willoughby Public School was using AtSchool, but this website doesn't appear to made by them.

Haberfield were also said to using them, but they aren't either. Nice website though.

Ben also mentioned Normanhurst Boys High, but I can't find any sign of their website at all.

The ones I can't find may be because they've signed up and not launched yet - the whole thing is a fairly new endeavour, and I did lose track of what exactly he was saying about each of these P&Cs.

UPDATE 10/6/10: Isabelle confirmed last night that only LCW is actually operational at the moment.

Also, I wanted to link to Normanhurst West Public School P&C's website. This was built and is hosted for free through Wordpress. You can see it looks quite similar to some of the templates offered by AtSchool.

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