
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Offer: Baby girls' clothes

Hi guys, I have a few bags of baby clothes for girls - mostly size 1 and some smaller. Anybody want them or know someone who needs them?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Halloween Trivia

The P&C is holding a trivia night on 31st October - and since that is Halloween, it seemed only natural to run with it as a theme.

It will be in the Cantabrian Room at Canterbury Girls High School, Church St Canterbury.

What's it all about?

Trivia, of course, as well as silent auctions, prizes, games (as in Heads or Tails and so on - nothing too confronting!) and coffee and cake for the end of the night.

Right now we are looking for:
  • You to book all or part of a table - bring along friends and neighbours, it's not a school community only event
  • People to help with donations of skills or unwanted items
  • People to help with cakes on the night
  • People to help with set up and clean up
  • You to put some thought into what you will wear!
There will be cold cans of drink on sale on the night, bring your own nibbles, or dinner, and any extra beverages you feel will enhance your trivia performance.

If you are reading this thinking "That's all well and good for people with handy baby sitters, but I have no-one to look after my kid/s" - fear not! We have thought of that too. Kathrine has organised with Moonbie St in Summer Hill to hold a babysitting night that night - kids can dress up (several have already told me what costumes they are wearing), go on a torch light tour of the grounds and otherwise enjoy their own party, while you know they are being looked after bu professional carers. My son has announced he is going, despite my having a babysitter for the night too. Kathrine is finalising the costs and I'll let you know as soon as I have the details.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Personal reminder

Tomorrow is the Open Classroom sessions for Yr1 & Yr2 - straight after lines.

Thursday is the talent assembly, and Friday is the last day of term!

Later today I'll put up some details about the Trivia Night too. You'll see table allocations and pleas for help and donations will be up at school from this morning.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Special Lunch thank you

I hope all the kids enjoyed their Special Lunch - they looked like they did!

I just want to thank Robyn, Kath and Effy for their monumental efforts. It's a massive undertaking for such a small group of people, and it came together really well.

The next one is 11th December - put it in your diaries now! It would be much less stressful if we had a few more pairs of hands. Not to mention that it is rather gratifying to see swarms of happy, well-fed faces.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Personal Reminder

Don't forget tomorrow morning is your last chance to get term 4 permission notes in!

  • Special lunch on Friday
  • Open class room for yr1 and yr2 next Tuesday morning
  • Talent assembly next Thursday
  • Last day of term next Friday! (Where did that term go?)
And next week we'll tell you all about the Trivia Night for this year.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Personal reminder

Special Lunch is this Friday. The menu is:

Chicken legs
Carrot sticks
Bread roll

You'll note this is not a lines message. I have been told that the risk of our readers mistaking the authors' opinions for that of the school are sufficient to make the principal uncomfortable. Therefore there will be no more lines messages.

All there will be are the authors' personal reminders as we think of them, and with only our own opinions attached.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Who we are

I know people are slowly coming to find this blog, and I thought it might be timely to put up a note about what it is.

First what it isn't. It isn't a mouthpiece for the school or for the P&C. You'll find heaps of stuff on here about both, but it isn't directly affiliated with either, nor does it represent the opinions of either. There is a link over there on the right hand side to the school's website.

It is an informal place for and by the parents (and maybe one day, the alumni!). We try to be another place people can keep up with each other and what's happening at the school. As a result, we might occasionally get things wrong, or you might disagree with something someone says here.

So, if you see something wrong in this little corner of the intertubes, speak up! Anyone can comment, and we welcome opinions, dissentions and fluff. Really, it's fine. You should see some of the things people say to me on my blog, and it's all good. Keep it polite is all we ask (snark is OK, though).

Fund raising committee meeting.

We had our meeting at Envy today (thanks Effy for the coffees!) and decided on some dates and did much organising.

The Style Swap will be on 20th November. You can see the conversation here.

Monkey Puzzle will be 1st December. Stay tuned for more info on that. (Thanks Eugenia!)

We will try to organise the kids' cards that have been done previously in the next few weeks. (Thanks Kath!)

The trivia night is the big thing on the horizon, and you can see everything to do with that here.

Lines messages 21/9

Don't forget the term 4 notes must be back by Thursday. Don't leave them next to the front door like I keep doing.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lines messages 15/9

Notes for term 4 activities went home last week. If, like me, you filed it under "I'll get to that real soon now", remember to get them back in by next Thursday.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fund raising committee meeting.

It looks like we can't avoid having another fund raising committee meeting, so we'll have it next Monday after lines. I vote for a cafe - meetings look much better over a cappuccino.

The things I think we need to sort are the trivia night, the style swap and the Monkey Puzzle night. Have I forgotten anything?

So please, if you can help out at all with the trivia night, come along to the meeting or let us know how you might be able to help. This is the biggest event of the year this year, and it takes a lot of hands to make it come together. We need people to canvass shops for donations, we need some people to do some decorations for the hall and we'll need some people to help package up the prizes into bundles for the night.

If you've ever thought about helping out, this is your opportunity. We need all the help we can get!

Lines messages 14/9

The excursion to the Sydney Symphony is on this Friday. That's all for today.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Crafty day

If you were inspired by the idea of doing something creative, it's looking like it's going ahead. Discussion over on my blog.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lines messages - 9/9

All welcome to the P&C meeting tonight. 7pm.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lines messages - 8/9

Still waiting for the toilets to be fixed.

There will be no money lent for cake day tomorrow, so please remember your cake money!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Lines messages -7/8

Wednesday is cake day, and then P&C 7pm that night. Boys toilet is still out of action.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Trivia Night

As some people know, K.Rudd's money has disrupted our plans to hold our trivia night at Ashbury Public School - they have cancelled all functions til the end of the year because they don't know when construction will start.

I've spoken to a few people about other options, and we have some scouts out looking for places.

Canterbury Girls High called me back this morning and offered us their Cantabrian room which they say they have held a trivia night in before and it holds 100 people. It would cost us a $100 donation and I can go and check out its suitability in the next few days.

The Ashbury Senior Citizens hall is available that night, but we would have to request special permission to use it from the General Manager of Canterbury Council, which may be more of a drama than it's worth.

I'd still love to look at what other options are available, we may as well consider all the possibilities! If you are scouting around, please comment on here to let us know what you've found.

Thanks so much to all the people who have made suggestions already and those who are making enquiries for us.

Style Swap night

We were hoping to fit a style swap in before the end of term, which either makes it two weeks from tomorrow or the last day of school (because I really don't want to put it on the same day as Special Lunch).

I think we might need more than 2 weeks' notice so that people can fit it in to their calendars, so it's either the last day of term or we have to bump it to mid-November.

I think the last day of term would be a better option, but what does everyone else think?

(I will leave a link to this on the front page of the blog so that any further conversation about the night can all happen here.)

Lines messages - 3/9

Fathers Day breakfast tomorrow, assembly today.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lines messages - 1/9

Another Fathers day brekky reminder. That's all for today.