
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lines 28/5

No new additions to the morning messages, just a reminder that the education week assembly is tomorrow at 2.00pm. Just to add that extra degree of difficulty for working parents, the doors will be locked and bolted promptly at 2.00pm so don't be late. Also afternoon tea will on on at the end of the assembly, we are raising money for the cancer council, so dontations will be appreciated.

Monday, May 25, 2009

School Transition

In the light of the recent experience with the 2008 year 2 transition to new schools, I have made a suggestion that we look to forming a new committee as part of our P&C to oversee future year 2 transitions.

The transition at the end of year 2 is a huge issue for our families, one that most of us begin agonising over in preschool, when we first begin to make our decision about the school we will send our child to. The issue gets bigger over the next few years often becoming overwhelming by the end of year 2. Having just made what was fortunately for us, a very happy transition to year 3 in a new school, it has struck me that this largely positive experience, was more by good luck than good management. There was a definite feel of every man for himself, in bailing out of the school and a cheerful yet haphazard induction into the new school. I think we can do better than this.

I believe that parents through the P&C should be taking a more proactive role in overseeing and supporting this process and that priority needs to be given to yearly evaluations to ensure our children are given the best start at this difficult time.

So, here is a draft proposal for how this will work.

1. We establish a permanent committee under the umbrella of our P&C. This underlines the importance we are placing on this issue to all within our community, and ensures we have an ongoing forum to oversee each year’s transition.

2. A survey of year 3 parents is taken in the first half of each year. We need to find out what worked – and what didn’t.

3. We put together check lists and information for parents for each of our main y3 schools. What they need to know, what they need to find out, local knowledge etc.

4. We establish strong links with our main y3 schools and constructively assist in finding solutions for any problems that are encountered.

5. We share useful feedback to y3 schools, which may help them in their induction programs - it’s not just our kids who change schools – hopefully our research will yield helpful information for other children who are changing schools.

6. We encourage old Yeo Park parents to act as mentors, helping to introduce new families into the established social network at their new school.

Ok, these are just my thoughts to get the ball rolling. This is all open to further discussion. Given the enthusiastic reception this was given at the P&C meeting I hope we will have the nucleus of a group to make a start. All are welcome to participate, not just year 2 parents though they obviously have a very strong interest. Let’s get some more ideas happening. Leave a comment here, or contact P&C members and register your interest, we will then call a meeting over coffee, and start the discussion.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lines 22/5

The only update today is that there will be a uniform sale on Monday afternoon 3.25pm. I thinks it is second hand uniforms and as well as new on sale. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lines 21/05

Only a little news from lines this morning. Ms Furner is away today and Mrs Killorn will be in the office later in the day. Assembly today is as normal. Hmmm ... I think that's it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lines 20/5

The only real message is that it is education week next week and there will be a special assembly next FRIDAY (I assume this means that the usual Thursday assembly is cancelled) at 2.00pm, followed by one of the famous Yeo Park afternoon teas in the park. We will be needing people to supply cakes etc for afternoon tea, so if you are able to help it will be much appreciated.

I won't be at school tomorrow but will try and update lines messages on Friday. Robyn.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

We're In the Know

Take a look at page 9 in today's (Saturday) SMH - 'Shop Until You Swap for Sydney's Fashionistas'. I had to do a double-take ... wondered whether we secretly had a SMH photographer there on Friday night! Anyway, looks like we're spot on with the trend of the moment.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Style swap

Just a brief thank you to all those who came to the Style Swap tonight, and a huge thank you to all those who helped with food, setting up and cleaning up.

I had a great night, and I hope most people did.

Shaun, we missed you. Where were you?

I know Isabelle was taking photos, and I'm hoping she'll donate some of those for the blog.

For those who missed out, we'll do this again. We'll probably do a non-clothing swap (homewares, toys, sporting kit etc) and another fashion one in the spring.

Thanks Alison, awesome idea and excellent execution.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Yeo Park Club Penguin clan

You may or may not have been introduced to Club Penguin, but if you have, you may also have had kids pleading to find out when their friends will be on.

There is a small core of year 1's who have been badgering for mutual online time. Between 5:30 and 6pm Wednesdays is that time.

If you have no idea what Club Penguin is, this is a brief overview. It is a Disney website with a large number of games and a social networking component. There are games to be played with other people, and games to be played against the computer. There are moderators everywhere, so I suspect it is the safest online place in existence. Disney could not afford for it to be anything else. Conversations can be typed, or selected from drop down options.

Your kids will need to know each others' penguins' names in order to find one another. They will also need to be on a common server.

Just before 5:30pm I will update this post with which server Ben will be on (I'll pick an empty one so there is no risk of it filling up).

UPDATE: The server is: Powder Ball.

If this all sounds insane - just wait. It will catch up with you. If not Club Penguin, then something else. :)

Lines messages 13/5

Much the same as Monday - 1 litre milk bottles still required for Yr 2. SOS tattoos still available from the office.

P&C meeting is tonight from 7pm. Agenda is here. Come along if you can, everybody is very welcome.

Also, if you were thinking of coming to the Style Swap but the beginning of term has been slightly less organised than you were hoping, it's not too late! We have enough people to go ahead, but we have plenty of room for extras. We'd love to have a drink with you, so bring your money in tomorrow and your name will be on the door!

(Really, honestly, we'll take money at the door, but to make sure we don't run out of food or wine, we'd like to know if you are coming by Friday morning.)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Lines Messages 11/5

Year 2 now have enough boxes for their projects, but they are still looking for 1 litre PET milk bottles.

There are a few SOS Stewie tattoos left for $1 each if anyone wants an extra one or two.

If you were planning on coming to the Style Swap but haven't quite got your money in, please get it in tomorrow so we can get tickets back out to everyone.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Free DVD's

Wow, my first post. I feel dizzy with power! Anyway, to the matter at hand, I have a box of 25 DVD+R discs that I bought for our DVD recorder, not realising that the + was important; our play takes a DVD-R and so these discs are no good to us. If anyone can use them let me know and they will be yours. Robyn.

Style night supplies

I thought I'd throw this post up with what has currently been offered. I'll update as I hear. Alison, please feel free to update whatever info you get.

So far we have:

5 clothes racks

3 mirrors

Jewellery stand
Mirror for the accessories table

Avocado dip
Beetroot dip
Banana bread
Savoury muffins
Savoury pastries (?)

This is just to save 437 emails updating where we are currently up to.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

School calendar

The school calendar (at the bottom of the page if you scroll down) has been updated with the dates from this week's funky newsletter.

Lines messages 6/5

I wasn't actually listening this morning. Something about cardboard boxes for Year 2?

The Theatre of the Deaf was on this morning.

Please remember to bring back your acceptance for the Style Swap.

There will be Stewart House dolphins on sale before the first bell (9:20am) on Friday morning. I think they are $3?

Please feel free to jump in and flesh this out!

P&C Meeting next week

There will be a P&C meeting next Wednesday evening. The agenda for this meeting is here:

Yeo Park Infants School Parents & Citizens Association
Victoria Street
Ashfield NSW 2131

P & C Meeting – Agenda

13 MAY 2009

1.Meeting open, welcome and apologies

2.Acceptance of Minutes of previous meeting

3.Reports from the principal treasurer school council

4.Fund-raising Committee update

5.General business

6.Fundraising report

7.Meeting close.

If you have any further items you would like added, you can comment them here, or put them on a note and put them in the P&C mail box.

I think I have managed to embed the minutes. Let me know if you can't see it.

Minutes 18 Mar 09

Anyway, from my quick reading of the minutes, the following items are outstanding, or awaiting followup from the last meeting:
  • Stacey's application for K. Rudd's stimulus funds for various upgrades.
  • The year 1 teaching position (although I think we all know how this turned out)
  • Choosing a date for the pizza and pyjama night
  • Second date for the Bunnings BBQ
  • Total Learning Books date
  • P&C spending consultation
  • Woolworths fundraising application
  • Funding requests to clubs
If you have been considering coming along, please do. There is wine and nibbles and it is generally a convivial evening. I know everyone puts a lot of time and money into the P&Cs activities, so we'd love as many people as possible to come along and have opinions on how it all runs.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Style swap logistics

Robyn quite rightly pointed out that mirrors might come in handy for the style swap. I have secured two, possibly three so far. If anyone else has a free standing mirror that is easy to toss in the car and bring along, please let me know.

Also, if anyone would like to contribute a plate of nibbles - something you make routinely and is not onerous - it would help us keep the costs of the night down.

So far we have a couple of dips, some bruschetta and brownies. Let me or Alison know if you can help out.

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you on the night.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Style Swap invitation and FAQ

I trust all those mums and other special people who could make it this morning had a lovely breakfast. Thanks to Stacey and all the staff for making it another special day for everyone.

Here are soft copies of the invitation and the FAQ for the Style Swap night.

So chase up your friends and lock them in. You need to have your RSVP in by next Friday, 8th May. We wouldn't like to run out of bubbly on the night!