
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lines messages 30/4

There is no assembly today, due to organisation for tomorrow's Mothers' Day breakfast.

The Theatre of the Deaf performance that was scheduled for today has had to be postponed due to illness. Stacey will let us know when it has been rescheduled.

For the Mothers' Day breakfast tomorrow, the gates will be locked when everyone arrives. Kids should put their bags in lines and wait to be called inside. Since there are two sittings and the logistics of a military operation, it would be greatly appreciated if you could get there on time - even with 5 minutes to spare! Your kids will be delivering hot drinks, and it's better for all concerned if everyone is sitting down before they start. :)

As a late change, and in response to numerous requests, we've added a kids' clothes swap to the Style Swap night. But don't forget, there is a huge range of options for your own items to swap. Things to consider include:
  • new cosmetics that you were gifted, but don't suit you
  • scarves
  • maternity clothes, especially dressy ones
  • shoes that you bought for one outfit and you wore once
  • jewelery you no longer wear, or are just sick of and would like to have something new
  • a hat that seemed like a good idea at the time
  • a handbag that was beautiful, but doesn't work for you
  • or go check out Vinnies, find something that is cool but doesn't fit you, and you might be able to trade it for something that does!
Also, the "3 year old" clause should really be replaced with "basically new looking". The flyer sent out was one version older than the final one, so if you have something cool and vintage, or classically styled and 8 years old - that's perfect. As Alison said, if you'd be happy to lend it to a friend, it's fine.

The kids' clothes won't be sorted, it'll be an all in, but everyone loves a treasure hunt!

If you have any more questions, please ask them here rather than calling Chris - she doesn't really have the answers and Alison and I can make them up as required! :)

Style Swap Questions

After speaking with Kris in the office and Stacey yesterday, it seems that people are a bit confused about the Style Swap Evening and how it all works. I have put together a Q & A style page to go home hopefully this week, but would welcome suggestions to add to the page. Can you think of any questions people might ask? Thanks!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lines Messages 29/4

Welcome back to term 2!

Apart from the ANZAC day assembly and walk to the RSL, the only message today was to mention the school excursion to the Botanic Gardens next Tuesday (which you can see in the calendar at the bottom of the blog!). There will be a note sent home today about it.

Oh, and the floor and roof are all done, lines are back around the right way and the hall floor is extra, extra shiny!

Monday, April 27, 2009


I trust everyone is preparing to tearfully send their children back to school on Wednesday. :)

I had an Enjo party yesterday which I completely failed to mention here beforehand. However, the order isn't going in until Wednesday lunch time, so if you are an Enjo user and need one or two items, let me know at lines on Wednesday morning and I'll add it to the order.

If you have no idea what Enjo is, you should check it out - fastest way of cleaning that I have found despite being mind bogglingly expensive and sold through party plan. It's also decidedly environmentally sound (no chemicals, environmentally sound manufacturing etc) but I was sold on the quicker and easier cleaning. If you are a big user of cleaning products, it's probably also cost effective in the long run.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The toast tongs have landed

Those strange kitchen gadgets I was talking about before have arrived. I have an abundance of toast tongs in my lounge room. If you put your hand up for a set or four, I'll try to catch you next week at lines. If you haven't yet been seduced by the idea of wooden toast tongs to protect you from third degree burns and electrocution, there are plenty of spares if you come to your senses. :)

They are $5.40. And here is that picture again in case you have no idea what on earth I am talking about.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Style Swap Evening - Props Needed!

I hope you received the flyer for the Style Swap Evening on Friday 15th May. We're looking forward to a fun night, so be sure to purchase your tickets soon - bring your friends!  Remember that you can swap any fashion item - clothes, shoes, accessories. 

Does anyone have a clothes rack floating around? We need to borrow some clothes racks for the evening. If you have one we may be able to have for the evening, please let me know. We promise to take good care. Coathangers are also needed - let me know if you have some you're willing to donate.

I'll look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Play this morning

Crash is taking the kids to the Earlwood play centre this morning - just in case anyone was feeling similarly inclined. He'll be there at 9:30am until about lunch time.

Their website (linked up there) has maps and other details if you haven't been there before.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Farewell notsomuch

The big news from this morning's lines is that Mrs Parks is staying! (We were all very confused by Tuesday's letter, but hey, we got a great outcome in the end!)

I'm sure all the long faces in year 1 will be gone after this morning's announcement. Excellent news indeed, and I'm pretty sure I can speak for pretty much everyone when I say we are very pleased Kathi is here to stay.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lines messages 8/4

Any Mums who haven't put their names down for the Mothers Day breakfast, please do so by tomorrow. The catering needs to be organised during the holidays.

The first day back at school is a Wednesday (yes, your adorable state government didn't see fit to make Monday 27th a public holiday, but did make it a school holiday!), and there will be an ANZAC Day assembly on that day. Yr1 and Yr2 will go to the RSL to lay wreaths. The school is looking for donations of flowers and greenery as well as a couple of volunteers to help turn the donations into wreaths.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

FAQ - What's a blog? How do I use it and why would I want to?

This is a post to explain what the blog is about and answer common questions. There will be a permanent link to it at the top of the blog and I will update it when necessary.
  1. What is a blog?
    A blog is like a cross between a forum (where people carry on multiple conversations electronically) and a diary. This blog has been created to help keep parents in touch with what's going on at school, and with each other. The authors can post articles and anyone at all can comment on them and carry on whole conversations in the comments section. You are extremely welcome to use the comments as a way to keep in touch. Try to keep the conversations within the vague concept of the subject of the post to make it easier for people to find them and join in.
  2. What is this blog for?
    It is for the use of the Yeo Park Infants School community. Anything at all that people want to use it for (within the bounds of decorum and the law!) is fine. We try to put up reminders about what is going on with the school and P&C. But anyone can use it to trade stuff, organise social events, discuss things going on at school - anything that has the school community as an audience.
  3. How do I participate?
    By commenting or posting. Anyone can comment, with or without a Google account. If you don't have a Google, blogspot or OpenID account, in the section for identity choose "name" or "anonymous" and you won't be asked for passwords, just the word verification. If you still have problems, please send Ariane an email and I'll try to sort it out!
    To post, you can send an email to the people whose names appear on the right hand of the blog front page (currently Ariane). We'll get it up as quickly as we can. You can also become an author, as discussed below.
  4. Who are the authors and can I be one?
    Authors are the people who can post directly to the blog. We can have up to 100 authors at any given time. So pretty much, if you want to be an author, let Ariane know and you will get an email invitation with instructions on what to do next. There are a few basic rules to follow as an author (just to keep the tags useable) but other than that it is easy and requires no serious commitment to be an author.
  5. What if I only want to look at Reminders or some other subset?
    You can use the "Labels" section in the right hand column to look at only what you are interested in. This can help you to find anything that is for sale, or look for anyone else heading out to a park in the holidays or to catch up on reminders.
  6. How do I find forms and other useful things?
    There is a "handy links" section in the right hand column with permanent links to the school website, useful documents and so on. If there is something that should be there and isn't, let us know!
  7. Miscellaneous bits and pieces
    Buried in the blog might be some posts that will answer some of your other questions, not specifically about the blog. As they come up, I'll put a link to them here.
Last updated: 9/12/09

Lines messages 7/4

Remember there is no assembly this Thursday, because the floor in the hall is being sanded over the holidays.

Easter egg hunt this Thursday, as well as the rugby skills clinic.

Also, a note went home yesterday about the P&C's Style Swap fundraiser - look for it if it hasn't surfaced from the school bag yet! We are having a night to bring those clothes, accessories and perfumes that you never wear and switch them with all the other people. Find the dress you should have bought and find the person who should be wearing that neglected one in your wardrobe. And most importantly, have a drink and a nibble, bring your friends and enjoy a night out without the kids!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Farewell to Mrs Parks

Sadly Year 1 has to say goodbye to Mrs Parks (we've had many tears in our house). I think there is a general thought to buy her a farewell and thank you gift. I'll try to catch up with people tomorrow, but if you won't be there tomorrow and you would like to contribute, please email me.

On a personal note, I'd like to thank Kathi for being an amazing, communicative teacher who has shared in my son's enthusiasm for learning and kept it on the boil, despite his skepticism at the beginning of year 1. Our family will miss you.

Lines messages 6/4

Tomorrow is open-classroom morning straight after lines. Come along and see what your kids have been doing this term.

This Thursday there is no assembly.

There is, however, a rugby skills clinic and an Easter egg hunt.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kindergarten Holiday Get-Together

A few of us Kindy parents were thinking that it would be fun to get together in the holidays for a play / bike ride in Daryl Jackson Park at Summer Hill. Of course, everyone is welcome - not just Kindy kids! Perhaps we could all bring a plate to share. At the moment we're thinking the second week of the holidays - maybe the Monday? I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts. Alison

Kegworth Autumn F.A.R.E.

In the interests of supporting other local schools, Kegworth in Leichhardt are having their first (of many I am told) fete this Sunday. The weather is supposed to clear, so head on over for what I believe is going to be a huge food fest. Take along your baking expertise if you are the competitive type!
Click on the image to see it larger and more readable

Special Lunch Day

Tomorrow is Special Lunch Day - although you'd just about have to be psychic to know! For some reason, it got left out of the newsletter this week, and with all the rain, we haven't had any lines announcements.

So don't send lunch tomorrow, Robyn and Kathrine will be serving up sausages and other goodies.

Thanks to Robyn, Kathrine and the other helpers for providing this!