Thursday, June 10, 2010
Personal Reminder 10/6/10
Monday, June 7, 2010
P&C proposed rules
Yeo Park Infants’ School P&C Rules
1. These rules are made under the constitution of Yeo Park Infants’ School Parents and Citizens' Association.
2. The association is formed for the benefit of the pupils of the school and to that end it will:
(a) participate as much as possible in the activities of the school and communicate with all members of the school community;
(b) co-operate in the activities of the Federation of Parents & Citizens' Associations of New South Wales and District and Regional Councils; and
(c) do such other things as may promote the interests of public education.
3. The financial year of the association shall close on 31 December each year.
4. The annual general meeting of the association shall be held in February of each year, in conjunction with and preceding the ordinary general meeting for that month. The agenda of the annual general meeting shall include setting the membership fee of the association for the ensuing year.
5. No person shall serve more than two consecutive years in the same office. However, in the event that no other candidate is available, a person may serve a third year.
6. A general meeting of the association shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month during term time at 7 pm.
7. Any person eligible for membership may become a member or renew membership by paying the required membership fee of $1 to the Treasurer or nominee of the Treasurer after any general meeting. Membership shall remain current until the close of the annual general meeting in the following year. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date register of membership. NOTE: The provisions of this rule are to do with membership. For insurance purposes the categories of "member" and "volunteer" are distinct. A list of members is a legal necessity. For insurance purposes each association is strongly advised to maintain a list of occasions on which there are volunteers working on its behalf. It is preferable that there be a list of names of volunteers, who need not be members, associated with each occasion.
8. At a general meeting the quorum shall be in accord with Rule 10 of the constitution. Where that rule does not specify a number the number shall be 5.
9. If a meeting for which due notice has been given does not achieve a quorum within 15 minutes of the advertised starting time the Secretary shall, or in the absence of a Secretary remaining members of the Executive shall, and failing that any five members of the Association may call a further meeting with a lapse of not more than 28 days of term time to carry on the business of the association.
10. In the absence of the Secretary the remaining members of the Executive or any five members of the association may call any meeting that is required, giving due notice of the business proposed for the meeting.
11. All meetings of the association shall be conducted in accordance with the appropriate By-laws of Federation "Standing Orders for the Conduct of All Meetings". (NOTE: The By-Laws of Federation specifically provide for reference where necessary to N. E. Renton's Guide for Meetings and Organisations.
12. The order of business shall be:
1. Meeting open, welcome and apologies
2. Acceptance of Meetings minutes of previous meeting
3. President's Report
4. Treasurer's Report
5. Fundraising Committee Report
6. Principal's Report
7. Business arising
8. Notified agenda items
9. General Business
Unfinished business at the previous meeting shall be dealt as "Business arising".
13. As well as the provisions of Federation Standing Order 6 "Notices of Motion", a group of members of the association equal to the quorum for the meeting may require that particular items of new business without notice be placed on notice for the next meeting.
14. The association may elect representatives who will be responsible to the association in the same way that Federation representatives are responsible to Federation under Section 413 of Federation Policy. The association may decide at the time of election what form of reporting is required.
15. Any motion to expend association monies must be placed on notice for the meeting at which it is to be considered. The provisions of this rule should not hamper subcommittees from expending those monies necessary for normal running costs. A subcommittee's powers to expend monies should be defined by the association when the subcommittee is set up, e.g, an auxiliary may need to buy materials for fundraising activities. Under the guidelines for incorporation, all funds belong to the association, and expenditure must be authorised by the association. A subcommittee must not expend funds for any purpose outside those allowed by the association. There is nothing, however, to prevent an association setting up a subcommittee to raise funds for some particular goal, or a subcommittee recommending a particular use for the funds it has raised.
16. The association may confer the honour of Life Membership on a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the work of the association. Life Members may attend and speak at meetings but are not entitled to vote or to hold office unless they are also ordinary members in terms of Rule 4 in these rules.
Please give these some thought before the meeting on Wednesday.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Kittens and Cats
There is also the most beautiful elderly ginger cat looking for a home. This cat was brought in half dead, dirty and possibly mistreated. It was not expected to survive but has made a remarkable recovery is now looking very healthy (albeit a little arthritic). This would be a very quiet and easy care cat, looking for nothing more than a sunny spot during the day and a lap to sit on at night. Again if anyone is thinking of getting a pet, this is a very deserving cat.