
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Family holiday locations

We are looking to take a week away (no childcare that week, so we may as well run away for a week). Does anyone have any recommendations for places that will fit 3 kids and has an indoor pool? Preferably within driving distance...

Lines messages 28/7

And we're back....

That athletics carnival is next Wednesday, so please let Isabelle or myself know if you can help slice and dice on the morning so we can provide healthy snacks for the kids from all schools.

There will be no assembly this week, due to the short week.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Athletics carnival

As you may have noticed, there will be another athletics carnival in a similar vein to last year's mini-Olympics early next term. Stacey has suggested we use this as a little fundraiser and do the fruit cups again and get a coffee van. Seems like a good plan to me, and I am happy to help chop and sort.

The only concern is that I think we are all agreed that last year's coffee guy wasn't quite up to the task - several parents gave up and went to McDonalds for coffee! Does anyone have any suggestions for a mobile coffee van?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Calendar updated

I have updated the calendar (which you can find at the bottom of the page - just scroll on down) with all the term 3 activities.

I trust everyone who could make it enjoyed the open morning this morning. Year 1's diorama's were most amazing.

Since we are (finally!) coming to the end of this term, there's not too many notices, but reports go home on Thursday and the cricket clinic is happening on Friday, so sneakers are probably a good plan.

If anyone wants to organise any get togethers or just let people know they are heading out to a park, please shoot me or Alison an email and we'll post it up on the blog. Robyn and Isabelle are also authors, so you can speak to them too.