
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lines Messages 30/6

The teachers are all off learning about the interactive whiteboards and other technology this week. Ms Furner yesterday and Mrs Thompson and Ms Parks today.

Term 3 activity notes MUST be by tomorrow morning. Please don't forget.

This Friday is special lunch day. The menu is:
Meat Pies
If your child is partaking, you won't need to send lunch, but you'll still need to send recess.

Friday is also the netball clinic for PE.

And thanks to the returner of Ben's shoe. :)

Gymnastics Program

Just thought I would let everyone know I had a call yesterday from Wests Ashfield and they are sending a cheque for $250 to go towards the Gymnastics Program. Here's hoping the other clubs I wrote to will follow suit.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Some places to buy extra winter uniform supplies....


Light blue skivvies
Best & lest Light weight skivvies approximately $5
Heavy weight skivvies approximately $10

Lowes Heavy weight skivvies approximately $20

Kmart Mid-weight skivvies approximately $5 (don't hold shape well)

Maroon jazz/ stretch pants
Best & lest Fairly light weight stretch fabric $10
(can be ordered in if they don’t have your size)

Maroon Tights
Sox King Heavy weight (Leichhardt marketplace oppos. toy shop) approximately $8

Tracksuit tops and bottoms
Big. W. Medium weight approximately $7 each piece

Target Medium weight approximately $15 each piece

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lines Messages 23/6

Firstly I'd like to thank Ms Furner and Mrs Killorn for providing a fantastic night for the kids on Saturday night and for raising $574-odd for the P&C

Then I'd like to thank Effie and George for their monumental effort at the Bunnings BBQ on Sunday. Huge thanks also to all the people who helped out during the day. We are waiting on some receipts, but we'll let you know what we made as soon as we know.

Messages from today: This is the last week to bring in non-perishables for Exodus. They are really feeling the pinch at the moment, so anything you can bring will be greatly appreciated.

Notes for term 3 activities must be in by next Wednesday, 1st July.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lines messages 4/6

Don't forget the Pizza and Pyjama night - notes need to be in next Tuesday.

And please, stick your name on the roster for an hour or two at the Bunnings BBQ. It's a great opportunity to extract money from people other than your good selves, and it's actually pretty good fun when there's plenty of helpers. So far we have a gender bias which needs attending. Come on girls, I'm pretty sure the blokes don't have a monopoly on turning snags.

And on a personal note, thanks to all those who came along to the Style Swap night. I loved it, and I hope everyone else did too. We're pretty keen to do another in spring, so please let us know if you like the idea, if there are any tips you have for improving it next time, or any other feedback you have.

And a HUGE thanks to Alison, who did all the hard work, and whose inspiration the evening was.

I still have 3 mirrors on my front verandah... :)

Style Swap photo's

Bunnings BBQ

Probably missing something important from lines yesterday, but do know that the Bunnings BBQ roster is up - don't forget to sign up to help out. BBQ is on Sunday 21st June. If you can't manage an hour, perhaps you could help with delivering ice or helping pack up gear. Also, don't forget to send your money in for the Pizza & Pyjamas Night on 20th June. $15 each or $20 for a family. Money needs to be in by 9th June.
PS - Anyone know how much we made from the Style Swap?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lines 1/6

There is nothing special happening at the school, so probably no new messages this week. We did however make $256.00 for the cancer council last Friday, so thanks everyone for the support.